What to say? Where to begin? It’s been a long time. Probably too long. Maybe not long enough.

A lot can change in a day, a month, a year, five years, a decade.

Years ago, I thought I had everything I thought I had wanted—a career, a house, a marriage, a dog and pretty much anything I wanted materially. But life comes at you fast and all of that went away one by one. The perfect career I thought I had was pretty much left me feeling I was at a dead end, going through the motions. The person I thought I would spend the rest of my life with wanted out, and so went the house and dog too. I was left to figure out what comes next.

The last few years have been sort of a wilderness period for me. Figuring what I want in life and what to do next. It’s time to start over. Leave the past behind and stop chasing yesterday. Instead of thinking about what might have been, I’m thinking about what could be. Setting small goals along the way and knocking them out of the park.

The last three or so months or so, I’ve had a blast focusing on trying not to suck at cyclocross. It had its ups and downs between the racing, training and travel. Took to the line in 9 races and finished all of them except for the one where I crashed out. I’ve met a lot of awesome people in this weird little community. (More about the season later.)

What’s next? Maybe a career change? Maybe move to a new city or region? Maybe travel the country aimlessly?

I don’t know what the future brings. I don’t really want to know. I do know that I want to document it as much as possible. I’ve had a blast posting things and interacting on Instagram with all of my new cyclocross friends. I can’t and won’t make any promises on frequency of blog posts, but I’ll try at least once per week.

I’m gonna take that tiger outside for a ride…